Targeting Parents Effectively Without Wastage
Reaching the target audience of “parents with toddlers” is quite a challenge. The audience is highly competitive, very specific, and has relatively limited potential. Identifying truly relevant users is difficult, and they are hard to reach through traditional targeting methods.
Based on real purchase and search data from ROSSMANN, it was possible to identify individuals who are already actively buying products that parents need in their daily lives. Precise data signals ensured that only a target audience with a clear affinity and genuine in-market interest for the advertised product was addressed. Additionally, engagement was further boosted through a coupon promotion. By clicking on the ad, consumers were taken directly to the coupon in the ROSSMANN app.


Client's Quote
Bei NIVEA ist es unsere Mission, dass jede und jeder sich zuverlässig vor UV-Strahlen schützen kann - auch die Kleinsten in unserer Gesellschaft. hat es uns ermöglicht, potentielle Käufer, die sich für Sonnenschutz interessieren, anzusprechen und so die Sichtbarkeit unserer Marke zu erhöhen.